The arts are encroaching one upon another, and from a proper use of this encroachment will rise the art that is truly monumental. 

Wassily Kandinsky



     ON PAUSE DUE TO CORONA VIRUS. Please check back for new content. Future exhibitions and public events will be posted here.


READ MORE in the press about The Rutter Family Art Foundation, the creative community of contemporary art and great ideas.

curatorial fellowships

CALL TO ARTISTS On pause due to the Corona Virus. Please check back for updates for emerging curators and artists from the Rutter Family Art Foundation.

arts district

THE NEON DISTRICT hopes to harness the new energy of Norfolk's first arts district by providing local and touring artists and musicians a place to burn bright. 

texaco bldg

THE TEXACO BLDG IS THE FOUNDATION of our foundation, a place where we could share our collection and our passion with others in the community. Built in 1917...


THE RUTTER FAMILY ART FOUNDATION headed by Brother and Meredith Rutter has found a new home and an anchor for the resurgence of contemporary art in Norfolk's new arts district.